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Connecticut Wiffleball League Establishes Partnership With National WIFFLE(TM) For 2020 Season

By: Benjamin Fiore      @theboneman15

January 27th, 2020 9:05am EST

The Connecticut Wiffleball League made a large jump in making it one of the most recognizable amateur wiffleball leagues in the nation. On Sunday, the Connecticut Wiffleball League was officially recognized as a member of National WIFFLE, a national wiffleball organization that helps to organize and unify the game's leagues and tournaments across the country. 

Previously, National WIFFLE was mainly a tournament-based organization that hosted national tournaments all across the nation, from Georgia all the way to Arizona . The organization hosted its most recent tournament in 2019 with the Arizona Open, which featured fastpitch, medium-pitch, and slow-pitch levels along with cash prizes. While it seems that these tournaments will be sticking around into the future, National WIFFLE does not just see its ends as a priority, but the entire national scene of wiffleball. Their new website catalogs all of its member leagues and tournaments, and gives info on new and upcoming national events such as the NWLA National Tournament, Golden Stick Yard League's "The Open", and many more.

"This move really sets us apart," says Commissioner Ben Fiore when asked about the decision to join National WIFFLE. "We want to show the community both locally and nationally that we are invested in the game of wiffleball from day one, and putting us on this platform helps get us the publicity to really get where we want to go." Commissioner Fiore went on to add that he hopes their move as a young league to join will help spark-plug other larger leagues to join and get involved in the new decade of a connected wiffleball experience. 

For more information on National WIFFLE and to find information on other leagues and tournaments, please visit their webiste,

Ben Fiore has followed wiffleball since 2017, with his love leading to the creation of the Connecticut Wiffleball League. Follow him on his Instagram and Twitter pages from the username by the article title. 

CTWL and National WIFFLE Promo.jpg
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